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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fair Well Mr. Grimmly!

One of the most beloved teacher and an extraordinary artist just left us. Oliver Grimmly has died, taking away with him his legacy and memories of the golden days of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA). I hope he died where he always wanted to-- in a classroom or on his working desk. I think he will always remain the most eccentric and witty instructor who was never afraid of expressing his views while being brutally honest to the students. 60 years he taught there, that is nearly 3000 students who studied with him just in the classrooms.  We're saddened to see him leave, but also for the future students will not have a chance to know him but from the works he left behind.  Fair well Mr. Grimmly!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Working it out

Folks, thank you for asking about the little school humor strip I've been doing. I'm trying to update as often as I's a sneak peak of the newest one being completed. Also, some of you have questioned my "method", well, this is it, all done pre-scan except words, which I like to type in usually.  :]

Nerds rule!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Walking & Observing

Subway is a fascinating place (for those of you who will be joining me in a few months, you will see--). I have been equally fascinated by the people on the subways and the whole "being part of this theory" thing. I really wish I had done more subway sketches, they are great exercises when figure drawing gets to blend sometimes!

I kid you not, this really happened.