Contact & Handouts

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy holidays! Folks!!

Finally , no school for a while. I wish everybody here have a good, happy and
safe holiday. Eat, drink and be merry^^

Thank you Shuanna for being such a great model^^!! Hope to see you again soon!

ink wash 1

ink wash 2

ink wash 3

During last summer my friend Teresa and I took a cover design job for a novel. Yesterday we finally received the published book. This is my first designing job during school year. Although we went through some hardships and frustrations, our hard works paid back with greater satisfaction. Thank you Teresa, I could not have done this without your help! Cora and Bobby thank you both for trusting us and being the best clients!

Book Front

Book back

A colored scene of the assignment "BONE THE AMAZING ARC" from the comic class

A color pencil drawing for my co-worker and her cute little boy

The finished drawing

A painting based on a staged shoe box city landscaping with cut out cardboard and mixed-midia
Another 2 Dimensional design class work

Thursday, December 1, 2005


Holiday season always comes with the painful finals, at least I am getting fun out of Mike's class.
Here is one of the scene drawings from BONE THE AMAZING ARC assignment. And it describes fairly well of my feeling to the finals at this time of the year...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Thanks Giving

A sketch of Annie

A sketch of the school model

A sketch of the elderly people

A drawing of Elezabeth's beauty nap

Another sketch of Elizabeth

Friday, November 18, 2005

Still working on the animals

A draft of my animal design home work. Clearly, composition is still my wakeness, as well as inking. It is still quite consufing on some of the details. Like the 3 characters on the middle ground and the back ground seems to be to close. I will focus on releasing the compositionial tentions... and study more master work's inking techniques...however, bear with me, haha

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


A sketch from yesterday'd figure drawing
Here are several experimental character designs I am working on for Mike's class

Jaguar the jagar
Jaguar the jagar inked

Bone the german shephered

Bone the german shephered inked

Friday, November 4, 2005

I woke up this morning found out that I am left behind from the competition again.

A sketch of my pal Kelly. If she somehow looks horney to you it's all a coincidence..^^

What happends in the club, stay in the club--a sketch of people particepating a game during a silent auction in the country club.

A sketch of the pianoist of the night. He fell before coming to work, and he was bleeding, but that didn't effect anything.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


It was definitely worthy to spend 30 dollars and 3 hours in the grand opera house tonight. I was really impressed by peter's voice and acting^^ yes! Peter! You are a lucky one!

If the loop wasn't so bad I wouldn't have settled myslef in only one bar.. Crimson moon, this place has just opened for a couple of weeks. The owner is the lady on the right. When I asked her what does she really want from this kind of life style, she says" fun!" Good answer!

Apple martini, a lonely drink..

Check point! ! I almost run over an officer's toe. Or did I?...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Random Sketch1
Random Sketch2

Random Sketch3

Random Sketch4
One of the sketches I did yesterday in Starbucks

My comic strip page

You would want to see a happy face like that in themorning^^

Mr. devil is so ready for the Halloween^^