Contact & Handouts

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy holidays! Folks!!

Finally , no school for a while. I wish everybody here have a good, happy and
safe holiday. Eat, drink and be merry^^

Thank you Shuanna for being such a great model^^!! Hope to see you again soon!

ink wash 1

ink wash 2

ink wash 3

During last summer my friend Teresa and I took a cover design job for a novel. Yesterday we finally received the published book. This is my first designing job during school year. Although we went through some hardships and frustrations, our hard works paid back with greater satisfaction. Thank you Teresa, I could not have done this without your help! Cora and Bobby thank you both for trusting us and being the best clients!

Book Front

Book back

A colored scene of the assignment "BONE THE AMAZING ARC" from the comic class

A color pencil drawing for my co-worker and her cute little boy

The finished drawing

A painting based on a staged shoe box city landscaping with cut out cardboard and mixed-midia
Another 2 Dimensional design class work


  1. Yello-o-o-o-o.........

    You know I've seen the cover over and over while things were in the works and have always loved it, but it's good to see it finally done and printed. My favorite part though, is the name of your studio on the back cover--too cool!!

    Can't wait for Longwood. You and Mike will like Scott, he's a nice guy.

    Take it easy,

  2. echo-

    Very nice work!

    Looks like you too have been so busy.

    I love the ink wash life drawings a lot!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks John, I wonder how xmas is likt at your place^^

  4. echo-

    Happy New Year!

    X-mas at my place is boring...I don't have many friends around here...if any, like MM does...those nice parties he throws and then the sketching that goes on after them look like a lot of fun.

    I guess that I'm a "hermit" of sorts but this year will try and find people around my area that want to get together and draw or hang out.

    I love Florida...don't like cold weather but it would be fun to see the crew up there sometime!

    Best wishes-

  5. wow, those ink drawings are great, they show alot of control. I've never met Mike Manley but I have worked with him on the first season of Venture Bros. for adlt swim, he's an awesome artist, you must be really psyched to have him as a teacher.

