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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Conte Portrait
Conte Crayon
Stephanie A.O.V
Folks~~! It was a lot of work but we pull it off AWESOMELY! Fresh pics are on Facebook, check them out!
I saw so many people in the gallery, many were strangers who took a great interest in my work. Although I am disappointed that some people didn't show up,:( Despite the announcements made months ago about coming to check things out. I hope it wasn't because it was a high class public venue that turn them off, you can always pretend to know about art in general :) Maybe they were told to stay away from modern art?
The open bars and foods stands on both floors work perfectly attracting crowds, but clearly some of the people there were more interested in liquor than paintings & sculptures. As most of you know, my paintings in real life are sooo much more satisfying to view than sneak peak off of my blog.
Steph, Val(love the newborn),Mi, brain, Shanna, Christine, and all of the folksout there, thank you for supporting me with your consistent attention! I hope you all have a GREAT summer! If you don't, maybe you need to get a life:)
Happy mother's day!


  1. Another great work Echo. I wish i could do faces that well. I am glad your show did well and hope you have a great trip see ya when you come back.

    ps-its brian not brain-

  2. Brian, sorry you know I can't spell..:P
    Thank you for the positive comments, we are all growing as we keep on practicing. You have made so much progress since DCAD, maybe you can't see it but I can:)
