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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sex & Humanity by Milo Manara

Many people aren't familiar with artist Milo Manara, but if you have read "Gulliveriana", you are not a stranger to his work. Manara's works often depict various types of young female and male figures in a fantasy set up, with his Legatto like ink strokes and elegant rendering of figures, Manara is one of my favorite cartoonist (RIP Frank .F), I absolutely enjoy his loose, watercolor like style, and humorous disposition as an artist.
Milo Manara doing a headshot at the SCC 2010

Below is a cartoon on "Sex & Humanity" composed of several comic strips, which I thought is a perfect reflection on human history. The artist is capable of composing each individual strip using a limited, horizontal space, ensuring the viewers to follow his direction, as well as the progression of human history, thus making us the witnesses to the greatest crime and victory ever committed to our history, and that is, Sex.

In the modern world, "sex" no longer needs to be carefully implied or hidden behind doors. Everyday, we experience endless sex-related material on TV, radio, internet or public AD venue. These messages do a great job compromising our own judgment on individuality and self confidence. Whenever we turn on TV, there's always the cosmetics commercial, persuading you to purchase their product, then only to test on yourself. Women who are motivated enough to use expensive cosmetics, even though the chemical level is probably doing more harm than good to the skin, is more likely to go under needles and knives because the thought of a wrinkled face is more horrifying to anything else that might be equally wrinkled, since we can manage to cover our body but not our face (maybe when Burka becomes the next biggest fashion). Starting from a very young age, we begin to learn "what looks good" and "what is ugly". However we always consult others to reassure ourselves on whether our judgment is out of line, then most of us go through many phases in life searching for "the better". Women are always looking for ways to stop time. The scene of little old ladies spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on expensive facial creams, "rejuvenating syrup", is just hysterical, nothing is going to reverse time, and why should it? When someone is vein enough to accuse others of stealing their expensive make up with the underlining reason-if it's expensive then everyone must want to steal it. Funny reflection on the accusers, funny how they often act exactly as they accuse...Oy, women!
Found some funny stuff on how vain we are as women :) Especially the "Lip stick on a jeweled pig", just love it! Too bad I couldn't find a "Lip stick on bulldog" cartoon without breaking my political neutrality, darn you S Palin!

Another thing has been on my agenda, which I may post something about later. Here's a little hint--Inappropriate and sexually suggestive videos posted by teenage girls are slipping through Youtube's policy gaps, any comments are welcomed!


  1. Hi suni,let me jump right ahead and shout_WHAT A GREAT POST SUNI !,there,i did it;sorry but this one just blew my mind.
    This is one of those days where i wish i was as fluent in the use of the English language as i am with my own,but i wouldn´t feel good about myself if i didn´t put down a few words.
    First,thank you for the great sequence from Manara in "sex and humanity",i know some of his works but this one was quite a surprise.
    There is just one cartoonist that i enjoy more then manara(i mean,erotic drawing wise,this is a strong and popular genre in italy,it has been since the roman empire) and that is Angus McKie. He also did a great number for Heavy Metal magazine like Manara called "So beautiful and so dangerous" way back in 1979.I still have that volume and i recomend it to everyone who takes cartooning seriously.
    There was a lot more to say,this is also a very funny post but i´ll shut up for now or you´ll have a huge post reply,....oy:)
    Shalom little suni ;)
    Can you spare some of your vitamins ? :D

    I had guessed that you might be a fan of his style:)
    Turns out your are a long time fan! Fabulous!
    Shalom, eat, drink and be merry!
    We wish you can join us one day at the dinner table, you shall have the first turkey leg, haha!

  3. LOL love the "lipstick pig"!!!!
