Contact & Handouts

Friday, October 5, 2007

Recent work

These are all recent paintings or drawings from the last few weeks at PAFA.


  1. WOW! You're just improving by leaps and bounds now! I mean, you were good to start with, but now.... I can't wait to see what you do for your thesis--you know, where you come up with your own theme and paint from your own ideas!! Scary, I know, but I know you'll do great when the time comes. These are just beautiful.

  2. Thanks Kel, I have been neglecting the blog for quit awhile~~ kind of feeling guilty about it - Since this is one effective way to let you know how I am doing. I wish we could get together soon again, just to yap about stuff and I want to see your works too!!:D

  3. Sorry I haven't gotten the chance to get back to you after your call last week--my head was in my book that day, literally. I was studying for my first exam in a couple of years and had to keep letting myself sneak a nap by resting my head on my books and sleeping for 20 minutes or so here and there. This weekend is full of writing for the research paper that's due on Wed, research for 10 photographs by 10 photographers which I have to do a powerpoint slide show for that's due on Tues, and studying for a midterm on Wed. All that and what is usually due as well--reading assignments for History and Writing & Lit and 3D homework. Needless to say, this is my hell week. Oh well. We get out for the day when we go to NY for the semester's field trip. Hope your semester is going well.
