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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Something something in progress :)

I may just submit this painting to the Kitsch Biannual this year, if it's finished...before May...


  1. Wow. Just wow! This is simply beautiful. Awesome job Suni.

  2. This reminds me some paintings by Auguste Renoir.
    You and him have a lot in common, only i prefer your nudes to his.
    I can´t wait to see this one finished.
    By the way i loved your new foto on the Recital blog.Were you inspired by Carnival ?
    Hugs !!!

  3. Thanks Pablo, I'm being very careful about the whole thing..:)It's like raising a child :D
    Thanks bonequinhoda bic, I'm trying to not fall for some old mistakes that i usually make in the past.
    I am a big fan o Art Nouveau, the movement was inpired by (I believe) many elments and Carnival may very well be one of the ispirations. The mask is actually a Chinese Tribal mask, to add to the whole effect :) Glad you like it, ha! I also have a picture of me holding a traditiaol Portugese's toy (little figures climbing a pole carrying wood claps, some parts are made of bottle caps,very cute!! )

  4. I know the sort of toy that you are mentioning.
    Those were very famous specially in the more rural areas of Portugal like the Alentejo area.These were famous in the days of our gradparents.Today kids have Toysr´Us and don´t value any of this.You should see some toys done by children in Africa made out of tincans
    I have a toy Museum not very far from where I live in SINTRA.
    In case you are curious here is the link :

    One of these days I´ll show you some photos of it.
    Loved the dog hahahahaha !
