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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Long--School ---Day---Work

Had a great time drawing today :)
Seated Female and male
Red Conte
(I decided to put them on clouds instead of the platform)

With added black charcoal, final touch for the day~

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It was a day drenched in unpleasant rain and wind. Two pooches sitting around the house and are getting bored. But they can't go outside to play because it's raining.

"Wait, I know just what to do!" One pooch turns to the other one and says "follow me to the back yard!" "Brilliant!" The other pooch quickly responds and follows him.

Oh-No! The back yard is raining too! --Who knew?

This silly little moment (one of many) of two very cute pooch brought me so much joy and great memories. Anyone who owns a pet or two can easily bring up a few cute moments like this!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rehearsal Sketches and Back Ground Drop

For the past few weekends I spent a lot of time in rehearsals for the "Magic Flute" , singing as one of the spirits. Here are some sketches from the rehearsals.

My husband is volunteering as the stage art director, here is what he is doing for the production. Four 8'x4' canvases of out door scene. Can't wait until we can marry all the 4 panels.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Work In Pogress

I am using the "dead palette" again for this painting. Frankly, it is the simplest system, and if mastered, one can paint just about anything with a little prismatic tint. Right now I'm still experimenting at this very rough stage of the painting. Few things I find very challenging to paint1. Human skin in shadow 2.Any furs 3. Wood floor

Monday, January 3, 2011

A little bit of the holiday humor and a salute to mother

To most people, decorating for the holidays is the most cheerful and happy spirited chore. This holiday was the best holiday that happened to us,many life changing moments occurred . My mother was particularly delighted to decorate for the holidays with us, since she has been so busy on completing her Master's degree at school and preparing for the medical school next year (I know, she is so determined nothing can stop that woman). We are very proud of her, and we will be dropping our insurance when she graduates,lol!

It makes me sad that all the glittering lights are coming down, and life circulates for another year until we dust off the boxes of decorations all over again. After all, isn't this what life is all about?

So the tree shall come down when it wants to.