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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm becoming my mother!

She's completing her Masters Degree soon, thumb up!
This strip is dedicated to ALL concerned parents and children:
Mothers and fathers, sons and daughters
We worry because we love you, of course!


  1. Hahaha. So true. But this can also pertain to Dads and sons as well. Great strip Suni.

  2. Totally agreed Pablo, totally agreed! In fact I am going to make a shout out to all sons and dads as well, thanks for the comments :D

  3. Suni don´t ground her !
    Pretty soon you´re telling your mommy do be home before 11.00.
    Loved this strip.

  4. Lol! Diogo, you are too funny :D
    What do you say to your folks when you are worried about them?

  5. Get a job !
    :D Just kidding.
    Naaaaaaa, currently there´s just me and Grandma and she doesn´t care about dating that much.
    Huge kiss.
