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Monday, July 5, 2010

Walking and observing8

I saw this the other day on my way to work. I was like: Damn this old mean woman is scolding
a driver, how pity of her to do something like that to a fellow human being!!

Turned out she's only scolding her little puppy sitting on the passenger side..I guess it was going to the vet so it was not behaving..(who would) :(

Sometimes in life, things aren't what they seem to be. Sometimes, we see things with colored lenses to see what we want to see. The only way to see the truth unfiltered, is to confront ourselves. (in this case, a second look before the quick conclusion).


  1. This one has deep toughts attatched to it, it´s almost like a zen poem or a Haiku.
    It almost reminds me of something Confucious said:
    Make sure not to yell
    At the limo driver
    And don´t upset the puppie
    Or he may piss on his lap
    And run over
    Some yuppie

    ;) Just kidding, loved the drawing Suni !

  2. Yeah, I'm sure Confucious said something like that :) I know we all take to our animals, but this lady was really "talking" to that puppy in the car, maybe the puppy is talking back at her :)
