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Monday, July 19, 2010

Figure Warm Ups

Just doing some figure warm ups. I can't say that I enjoy painting/drawing nude figures more than clothed figures by default, but there is something very serene and fundamentally unpretentious about nude figures. From the other perspective, the feeling is mostly mutual for the nude models, as I too, pose for figure painting artists.


  1. Hi, Suni. Hope you are well. Did you mean to say "post" or 'pose' for other artists? Excellent figure drawing here. The second picture is surely more than just a 'warm up' sketch. It's beautifully drawn, Suni.
    Now excuse me, as I must feed your pet hamster before I go. Heh.

  2. Hi Cliff, good to see ya! Sorry for the confusion, I meant to say "pose"rather than "post":P
    Thank you for the comment,(and my hamster thanks you, too!) I hope you are well!

  3. Hi suni,great drawings,that second one is almost magical.
    It´s filled with detail, beauty,i love the expression on her face,the relaxed pose,the collar bone,breasts,belly...i mean,i believe that this time you really surpassed yourself,it´s just wonderful.
    I could just look at this for hours.
    This also makes me think of that movie,the English pacient...pure poetry.
