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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Walking and observing4

Bikini on the museum steps at Philadelphia Museum of Art (P.M.A)

Yesterday on our usual route of jogging, we spotted a bikini hottie by the museum steps, "Must be an art school chic doing her final project", my boyfriend said. That reminded me of my film class final project (can't seem to find it anywhere) which I was "strangled" to death by a woman (Role played by our art history teacher as a part of the plot, then I "turned" in to an angry ghost, and for no reason(at all), started hunting (for blood maybe) my roommate). For hours, while I had to "laid dead" by the staircase, people dodged around me on the floor, no one complained, though :)


  1. Was she imitating the snow sculpture ?
    Anyway that was a great capture on paper.
    Here´s a little something from YOUTUBE that I´m sure you will love.
    Big kiss Suni.

  2. Lol! You like him too? His stuff are being imitated like crazy :) Too bad that he can't take his art with him to show people :( Thanks! bonequinhoda bic
