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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

At certain age you begin to not appriciate certain things...

Over the weekend we went up to the beach to spend the last few days of summer with a friend couple of ours. It was lovely. I now have officially been "yesterday-ed" by those two little monsters of theirs, all because I did not know how to ride a "wiggle board", instead I ride a bike... :( Guess my time is gone....? There have been some hilarious conversations exchanged during our stay, some inspired these cartoons that I'm gonna be posting (guess I better go back to work then.)
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Bring kids to an amusement park being one of those things...
Just remember, we've all done it to our parents :)


  1. Great drawing;ei ?! Can I take a spin ? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease !!!
    :( C´mon suni,don´t be mean...Ei, and i want some ice cream too!
    Big kiss to you guys !

  2. OMG you're one of those lil monsters!!!
    You really got me there Diogo:) I still don't think kids are my skill, I spend entirely too much time answering their questions :P
    My roller coaster ride record is 10 time in a day(of course,like 15 years ago), for got what the occasion was...

  3. That´s what kids do that´s just part of growing up, but i do think you have a great skill with kids.
    Hurricane Earl ???
    I´m sure you will be there next week,lol.
    I have a small question for you about the zip code ?, so if you can please check your email one more time.
    Take care you guys, i´m sure it will blow right over, but still please take care,o.k. ?.
    Love ya ;)

  4. "Earl" might do some damage but we are a few hours inland so we won't suffer as much as the people on beach...In fact, I'd like to see some crazy storms :)Thanks for asking! And thanks again for the gift, it means a lot to us! --E&S
