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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random people skecthes

I know I must look ridiculous and perhaps even suspicious-My eyes sitting behind two very largely scaled dark lens, staring around for interesting subjects...God knows one day, someone may walk to me and say- "Hey, can I see what you are doing on me?" Maybe I should carry two sketch books, one filled with pretty people and things, the other one being totally honest and utterly unflattering. ..


  1. Its part of the craft to learn how to spy other people's shapes!!

  2. Two sketch books...I guess that would be a good idea, still that would also be a lot of work.
    People and things, well ?! They are what they are, so it´s better to depict things for what they are.
    That´s one of the reasons for why i love sketch book drawings,there´s a whole process of honesty involved into it from the street models and also from the artist.There is no real time to be perfect.For me that´s art at it´s best.
    These are great sketches suni.

  3. Thanks, Diogo. I guess I just worry about getting beaten up by angry people who aren't able to share my sense of humor...So far I haven't heard anything about "artist beaten by angry subjects"...Yet! Thank you for the videos, they were a REAL surprise!
