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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cadies in a Jar

Happiness is like Candies in a Jar, you have to reach it yourself :)
Since we found out about the babies, time suddenly stopped, and the world became so focused and quiet :) Although there are still some unfinished matters, we no longer have the desire to push or take initiative,but letting it settle itself. Things will settle when it wants to settle.


  1. :O
    OMG little suni,do you mean ? I mean,do you mean ?...does that mean ? does this mean? twi-twi-tt(I´m am Stuttering and making no sense,and i sound like a bird),do you mean twi-twi-tttwi- TWINS ????? there i´ve said it !

  2. Sorry BB but I have to kill you now cuz you know too much!! LOL!! :))))))))))

  3. :> Twiiiiiiit !
    OMG suni,please don´t do that(quick BB try to bribe her...)herrrrrrr,I got milk and cookies :)
    NO ? how can you refuse milk and cookies ??
    Please suni, put down the gun !HO NO!Nooooooooooo BANG! BANG! be continued.

  4. Congrats, and thanks for the drawing! You guys are going to have A LOT to deal with soon!! Hope school is going well. When do you get your master's? -Matt

  5. BB, you're such a gentle soul! How can we ever hurt you? Especially since your friends know where we live, haha:)

  6. Matt, it was my pleasure. Over here we are like busy ants preparing for a long winter, just getting things in places for the big day. School's going well, busy as usual but full of fun! Check your email! --Best to you & J, E&S
