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Friday, March 20, 2009

How are reality dating shows becoming more popular?

First you select a group of people including a very self-centered protagonist, he/she must have the quality and the personality of a circus clown, who obviously is just looking for a convenient hook up using the excuse of "love seeking".
The rest of the group is a bunch of carefully picked out young women/men who are often disproportionated from over sized silicon filling, too much make up, puffy lip injection and excessive gym training. They are what we called "the eye candy"personnel. This particular group plays the role of gladiator following the simple rule of the last one standing wins the game. Every episode someone is eliminated from the show for various reasons. It is really pretty obvious that these people are here for anything but true love. If you look into their backgrounds, it's not hard to see why they don't care about broadcasting their nasty behavior in front of an audience of millions. Some of them, or most of them have something to do with the growth of the porn-industry.

Ultimately, the last surviver kicks out everyone and wins the heart of the protagonist. The romance usually lasts for six months before the shooting of the next season. Then they announce the "unfortunate break up" of the couple, alas!

:)Reality TV shows still rock!:)

*PAFA Draw-a-thon 2009 Tonight 7:00pm-7:00 am!
Students & faculty Free!
See you tomorrow morning!

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